These dates are sourced from Crockfords Clerical Directory and the House Visitors' Book that father kept from his time in India.  The comments have been taken from the Visitors' Book and 'Newsletter of WICKMERE with WOLTERTON, and LITTLE BARNINGHAM.'
The Visitors' book is more complete than Crockfords.

1936           Deaconed and Priested at Gloucester Cathedral

1936 – 38    Curate of St James, Gloucester (He lodged at 27 Brunswick Square with the Buckett family.)

1938 – 44    Principal of the SPG Arts Industrial School, Nazareth, Tinnevelly, India.

1944 - 47    Rector of Littledean (Returned to England because of Partition of India.    He would have been somewhat rootless so a return to Littledean where he lived as a boy makes sense in the first instance. He makes a visit to his old friends the Bucketts by then living in Edmondsham and choses ‘the prettier one’ – his words.)

5 Oct 46      Married Mollie Edith Buckett at Edmondsham, Dorset

1947 – 49    Curate of St Luke’s We1st Norwood, in charge of St Paul’s. Grandfather - W.R.Buckett visits Jan 12-15th 1948 “A short but most enjoyable visit.”
JFH born 20 January 1949

1949 – 50    The Hollies, Sandford, nr. Bristol, Somerset. The move must have been in July 1949, as someone called Doris was looking after me during the move from her entry in the Visitors’ Book.      28/07/49 “I have enjoyed these moving times, especially the happy hours with Judith.” Doris.

1950 – 54    Vicar of Great and Little Oakley, Northamptonshire. (P.B.Buckett) is the first visitor in July (3rd-7th) “Very nice staying with you all again and seeing your new house + surroundings. Glad to revive memories of Kettering days. Judith is a little duck!”  Phyl.
Robert born 24 July 1952.  Wilfred the cat came to us and somehow coped with all the moves. He was still with us at Milton Malsor. W.R.Buckett visits September 1953 and no hint of immanent removals.

1954           76 Westwood Road, Leek, Staffordshire
No entries in Visitors’ Book. 

1954 – 55    Rector of Wickmere w Wolterton and Little Barningham. Norfolk. Grandfather - W.R.Buckett visits 10th -12th November 1954. “A short visit to Wickmere Rectory for the Institution and Induction of the Rev G.E.Hubbard to the United Benefice of Wickmere with Wolterton and Little Barningham. It was nice to see the new home of Mr. & Mrs. Hubbard. Judith is growing in stature and intelligence and is a sweet tempered girl. Robert too has grown and is a sturdy bright boy. They will enjoy the freedom and roominess of this Rectory”  Grand-dad.

October 1955

The Rev. G.E. Hubbard writes - It may come as a surprise for some of you to learn that, by the time this Magazine reaches you, Wickmere Rectory will one more be empty. Until the question of clergy housing is fairly and squarely dealt with by the Church authorities, there will be this coming and going of incumbents which is so prevalent today. After ten months as Rector of Wickmere, I just cannot stomach any longer this dreadful, worn-out, old house with its quarter-mile drive.

                        Apart from the very bad state of repair of the Rectory, it is all wrong for any parson to be so isolated from his parishioners [and parishioners from their rector], as is the case at Wickmere – to say nothing of being so remote from shops, school, bus routes and civilisation generally.

                        The garden too! – what a garden, two-and-a-half acres of it, nettles and other weeds everywhere, covering paths, lawns, flower beds, vegetable garden and orchards. Benefice income, though reasonable enough for moderate-sized property, is wholly inadequate to maintain this vast estate in the way it should be maintained. Everything was in a shocking state when we came here last autumn, but it is in far worse condition now.

                        Another aspect that has decided me to leave Wickmere at short notice and after being Rector for so short a time, is the present acute shortage of man-power in the Church. I consider that I should be frittering away the remaining useful years of my life were I to stay on indefinitely in Wickmere under existing conditions. Rather than waste my time, I have accepted the offer of work in a Liverpool slum parish [Christ Church, Bootle]. I shall be assistant curate to an elderly vicar who is a very sick man, badly crippled with arthritis, and in urgent need of help.

                        So at the end of this month [September] we shall be exchanging the bracing climate of Norfolk for the sights, sounds and smells of Merseyside; a tumble-down country rectory for a small, down-town terrace house; acres of weeds for a tiny backyard; wide stretches of unwanted glebe for the amenities of civilisation [with a Woolworths and a fried-fish shop just around the corner!] and mere existence for a worthwhile job. And, believe me, I know which I prefer!

                        Now, all too soon, the time has come for me to wish you all Good-bye. But here’s hoping that before long a small convenient rectory will be built in the centre of Wickmere [not miles outside it] for the mutual benefit of my successors and of the people of Wickmere themselves. Good-bye and good luck to you all.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                G.E. HUBBARD.

Sept 1955   Bootle, near Liverpool. (3-4 weeks at the most) There is no mention of this in the Visitors’ Book

1955 - 57    Curate of North Abingdon. Berkshire.
Nov.29th – 1st Dec 1955 “It was nice to see you all again in happy surroundings. Judith getting so grown up and Robbie so talkative – not forgetting soft, furry Wilfred. Thank you so much.” Phyl.
Nicolas born 5 December 1956

1957 - 58    Vicar of Kenton w. Ashfield and Thorpe.
22nd-25th Nov.1957 “We visited Kenton Vicarage to attend the service of Institution and Induction of the Rev G.E.Hubbard to the United Benefice of Kenton with Ashfield cum Thorpe. We hope that the family will be very happy here and that God’s blessing may rest on the work done in his Name.” Grand-dad and Auntie Phyl.

1958 - 59    Curate Halesowen w Hasbury (in charge of St Peter, Lapel) Judith and Robert spent 12 days at Edmondsham and I accompanied them here to their new home on August 6th 1958 + stayed 2 nights. Glad to see the new house + surroundings and hope that you will all settle happily. “ Auntie Phyl

1959 – 66    Rector of Milton Malsor, Northamptonshire. Rosemary Chapman, a friend of mine from Quinton came to stay 3rd-8th August 1959 so we would have moved possibly in the July after the school term; although my parents never took things like that into consideration in those days. Grand-dad and Auntie Phyl stay in August as well.

This was the longest stretch of time spent anywhere by the family. My education was already wrecked and Robert had emotional difficulties. It was important for all our sakes to stay put. Mother was able to get part-time and substitute positions. The parish was easy – one church, one village. He was 62 and to have yet another move would have been too exhausting

1966           Retired

1966 – 67    The Cottage, Blisworth, Northamptonshire

1967 - 76    37 St David’s Road, Northampton

1976           31 Ivy Road, Northampton
                    There was some other miniscule move which Nick remembers – but I’d left home by then……

                    Father dies 2 March 1979

