'Rosemary', Northcourt Road, Abingdon, Berkshire. (Abingdon now in Oxfordshire.)

1955 - 1957

Father was Curate of North Abingdon. Berkshire.
Nov.29th – 1st Dec 1955 “It was nice to see you all again in happy surroundings. Judith getting so grown up and Robbie so talkative – not forgetting soft, furry Wilfred. Thank you so much.” Phyl.
Nicolas born 5 December 1956

abingdonold1   abingdonold2   abingdonold3   abingdonold4  I must have been about seven (1956) when I first wore glasses. I also remember the photograph being taken of me with the Nigerians - The way their hands were coloured intrigued me. (I'd never met black people until then.)

abingdon1  'Rosemary' a pleasant detached house, with a long garden, next door to the school. There was a small outdoor swimming pool but too cold to use except once or twice in midsummer.      abingdon2

abingdonsch1   abingdonsch2   Dunmore School - it is still much as I remember it from the outside. It was here I 'went up' to the Junior School level.

abingdon3  The old Medieval Barn which father was partly instrumental in getting converted to a church.

abingdon4  St Nicolas Church where Nick was baptised.

abingdon6  St Helen's Church - father often did afternoon services here (mostly baptisms.) I'd sit in the vestry doing drawings and art work.

Afterwards we'd go and feed the ducks and swans on the river Thames.      abingdon7

